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Conservative Group ups attacks on Obamacare (ACA)

with a New $2.5 Million Ad Campaigns

Conservative groups who are opposed to the Affordable care Act have launched a new battle front against the New health care policy as latest numbers indicate that the number of Americans who have signed-up for the new law has crossed the 2-million Mark. The ads are spearheaded by a group linked to the Billionaires Koch brothers who have previously spent millions of dollars to try and derail the passage, and implementation of the Affordable care Act.

The latest rounds of ads primarily focus on three Democratic senators who have been vocal in their support for the new law and are facing stiff re-election campaigns in their respective states in the coming November elections. The three senators targeted are Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire. Their bid for re-election is key for the Democratic Party which currently has a majority in the 100-member senate.

The conservative group, Americans for Prosperity spent $36 million in the 2012 presidential campaign, largely to oppose the Democrats and president Obama.

A Change of strategy

The 30-second videos don’t follow earlier scripts that focused on repealing of the Affordable Care Act, which has been heralded as the most fundamental social program since president Lyndon Johnson’s great Society initiative of the great society in the 1960’s.

The New campaigns try to paint Democrats as liars who cannot be trusted to keep their word. The senators are linked to Obamas now discredited pledge that ” all Americans who liked their health plans will keep them if they don’t like Obamacare.”

This statement that was dubbed by PolitiFact, a fact checking website as the “lie of the Year” could surely come and haunt Obama associates who stood by this statement.

The president of Americans for Prosperity Tim Phillips said that the adverts will run for up to three weeks. According to him, this is a long-term strategy that will eventually result in the repealing of the Affordable Care Act.

Conservative Group ups attacks on Obamacare (ACA)

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