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If you purchased health insurance through for 2014, you may be in for a few surprises when open enrollment starts in November.

It is possible, for example, that a person could end up being billed for two different polices. The reason for this is because the federal government has not addressed key communication issues with the Healthcare website.

If you have not updated your financial information through the online marketplace, you may face higher premiums and may receive less subsidy than you deserve.

The looming upcoming enrollment period will be the first time returning and new consumers will use the HealthCare website, as an access point to health care insurance policies. However, it is the returning consumers and how they interact with the website that is worrying insurers.

It is a challenge in that it will be a different process, it is a new process, which is being launched for the first time. And the customers who do not return to the marketplace will not be able to compare prices and look for better plans. Instead, he or she will automatically be re-enrolled in his or her existing plan.

Or a similar plan if his or her current plans are canceled by an insurer.

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